
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Traditional classroom instructor, Mr. Dean Sahbroo, has a great job. He gets to school every morning at 8:00 am, reboots his computer, turns on the projector, and unzips the day's lesson plans from the mini drive he carries around on his key chain. The computer screen initiates and little icons start appearing, then after a few moments in the middle of the screen a tiny hoop shows a clockwise circulating pulse. Around and around it goes and after about a minute of this Mr. Sahbroo realizes the LED on his mini drive is not flashing. He tries unplugging it and plugging it back in again.
Dean concludes his computer system must be "hung up." He grabs the mini drive out of his computer and walks over to the administration office to ask the cheerful school assistant, Ms. Dunelle Carple, if she could try loading it on her computer. She obliges. Sure enough the LED starts flashing and a folder image appears on her screen. She clicks on it and then launches a document called "Third Grade Lesson 1&2:"
MAJOR AREA: The Human Body
GRADE: Third Grade (Lesson 1&2)
TOPIC: Circulatory System
EMPHASIS: Anatomy & Physiology - Heart and blood vessels
Power Point Lecture
  1. Description of Heart
  2. Hollow muscle
  3. Weight 11 oz.
  4. Size of

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