
Thursday, October 4, 2012

Emotions and Health: What You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Emotional and Physical Health

For many years conventional medicine has believed that our genetics are the primary cause of our physical health. In the 1990s, however, scientific research found that our emotions play at least an equal or possibly even a greater role in determining whether we will be faced with illnesses like heart disease, cancer, diabetes, fibromyalgia, obesity, alcoholism, fractures or chronic pain.
How Unresolved Emotions Affect Your Health
One of the best research studies available involving the effect of emotions on physical health is the ACE study, which was conducted by the Federal Centers for Disease Control, where researchers studied people who had an "adverse childhood experience" before the age of 18. "Adverse childhood experiences" included recurrent physical, emotional, or sexual abuse; growing up in a dysfunctional family where someone was clinically depressed, alcoholic, mentally ill or suicidal; or in a situation where the parents were separated, divorced, or taken away from the child in some way.
Researchers found that "adverse childhood experiences" were far more common than what has been recognized or acknowledged in the past. What was even more shocking was the scientific evidence of the correlation between these experiences and adult physical health. It became obvious that the people who frequent doctors offices on a regular basis have often experienced these emotionally painful 'adverse childhood experiences."
If you are one of the many people who grew up in a dysfunctional family and experienced some of these "adverse childhood experiences," you probably grew up believing that these experiences were normal. You also learned your ways of coping with your negative experiences from the role modeling of your dysfunctional caregivers. If you haven't had the opportunity to resolve those early experiences through psychotherapy or through some type of healthy support group, you have probably unknowingly continued the dysfunctional patterns that you learned. Too often this results in working out your emotional issues through poor physical health.
It's Never Too Late to Change!
Millions of people like you visit medical offices every day, hoping for relief from their current physical symptom. The problem is that when you don't deal with the roots of the symptom, the emotional pain will simply emerge in another way over time. The good news I have to offer you today is that it's never too late to change the unhealthy patterns you've created! No matter what your age, your race, or your socio-economic situation, there is always a way to heal the past and create healthy life patterns. You simply have to be dedicated and willing to do the work it takes to turn your life around.
Although psychology is still a new science, we have learned so much over the past thirty years that can help you dramatically change those old, unhealthy patterns. The necessary skills for functioning in a healthy ways do not require higher education or life-long study. With a little time and practice, you can learn how to identify your emotions and resolve them in healthy ways. Expressing your emotions in positive ways greatly improves your self-esteem and self-confidence as well as your physical health and well-being.
Building A Healthy Support System for Positive Change
You can also learn skills for establishing healthy relationships with people who understand and support what you are going through. Building a healthy support system of friends who love you unconditionally will keep you motivated on your healing path when your own determination begins to waver. By simply utilizing these simple, effective tools, you can dramatically change your perceptions, your experience, and your approach to life, which ultimately improves both your emotional and physical health.
Just remember that no matter what has happened to you, it's never too late to turn your life around! You can absolutely learn the skills for emotional and physical health. It only takes one small step forward each day. The first step is simply finding within your self the willingness to change. From willingness, you will definitely find a way to begin your exciting journey to emotional and physical health!
© 2006 Kari Joys
Why spend another day living with poor health when you can begin this exciting emotional healing journey right now? Even if you grew up in an extremely dysfunctional family, you could actually overcome a lifetime of negative patterns by following Kari Joys' simple 33-day emotional healing journey! Kari Joys is a highly recognized psychotherapist, a skilled group facilitator and a powerful energy therapist in private practice for over twenty years. If you're ready to improve your emotional and physical health and completely transform your life, visit today!

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